Orangutans and Palm Oil
What Makes a Man?
Helping Family Life
Yorkshire Tree
Hosting with Alexa
Safety First
Take the safe option
Orangutans and Palm Oil
Orangutans and Palm Oil

A campaign for Greenpeace in association with Guardian Labs, highlighting how palm oil threatens orang-utans’ habitat.

Formats Included a six-page insert in Guardian Weekend, online and mobile content.

The insert is here.

What Makes a Man?
What Makes a Man?

A series of seven online blogs on modern masculinity I wrote for Phillips as part of a Guardian Labs campaign to address life for the modern British male.

The first piece is here.

The second piece is here.

The third piece is here.

The fourth piece is here.

The fifth piece is here.

The sixth piece is here.

The final piece is here.

Helping Family Life
Helping Family Life

A three-month campaign for Tesco Mobile in association with Guardian Labs. Formats included a three-page feature in Weekend, a video series, plus other online and mobile content.

Campaign report here. The Weekend piece is here.

Yorkshire Tree
Yorkshire Tree

A campaign for Yorkshire Tea in association with Guardian Labs, highlighting a tree-planting environmental initiative they were running.

Formats Included a standalone 24-page magazine about trees, plus online and mobile content.

The 24-page magazine is here.

Hosting with Alexa
Hosting with Alexa

An article I wrote for Amazon as part of a Guardian Labs campaign to profile the new Amazon Echo Show. You can read the piece here.

Safety First
Safety First

A two-month campaign for Google in conjunction with Guardian Labs, promoting the work they do to keep users safe.

Formats included a double-page spread in Weekend magazine, video, mobile and online content. The Weekend piece is here.

Take the safe option
Take the safe option

Two articles I wrote for Subaru as part of a Guardian Labs campaign to highlight their credentials in safety, by promoting the idea that the safe option is always the best option in all walks of life.

Here is a feature on the phenomenon of taking the safe option in terms of cultural entertainment.

Here is an opinion piece on the beauty of playing it safe.